Thursday, December 3, 2015
Our darling Sadie, you have been a delight to all five of us kids, and a joy to me, especially. I can only imagine how your grandmother Sadie must be proud of the intelligent, fun and strong willed woman you were. Thank you for the gift of your insight, and thank you for saving me from huge disaster as I was unaware of so much of our shared history. You have given me such laughter with your fun remarks, sharp wit and quick rebuttals. Thank you for knowing the right way to make biscuits and gravy. Thank you for so much help with the genealogy search and information about Logan after Mom had left. I so appreciate your kindness when I was sick, as well as your understanding of Scleroses. My only peace in this is knowing that you are with your Daddy; Arthur, and brothers Baker and Jimmy and that you are pain free and at peace. You were a gift that we have to give back to God now. Peace be with you.